As of this writing the men’s 4/5 road race on Saturday is SOLD OUT and only the waitlist remains available.

Sunday’s men’s 4/5 road race isn’t far behind as only 3 spots remain in that race as of this writing.

Once a race category sells out we’ll open up a waitlist only 15 spots deep whereby you can join the waitlist and your credit card will only be charged if we move from the wait list into the race.  That move will only happen if a spot opens up in your desired race due to a currently registered rider changing categories or no-showing on the day of the race.  These no-shows are only processed about 20-minutes before the start of the race so. The waitlist is ordered by date and time of entry onto the waitlist so the first people to signup for the waitlist stand the best chance of ultimately getting into the race.

In past years there are usually 0-2 spots that open up due to people who may change into a different race and then usually about 2-5 people who may no-show on race day.

So be sure to register before it’s too late!